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mydentist, Digbeth, Walsall Dentist in Walsall

Meet the team at mydentist, Digbeth, Walsall

Your practice team

  • CAILIN HANCOCK Treatment Co-ordinator

Your clinicians

  • Ridhwan Ahmed
    Ridhwan Ahmed Endodontist Qualified from: BDS University of Sheffield 2020 GDC No: 290554

    Ridhwan qualified from the University of Sheffield with an honour degree and came back home to the West Midlands. Ridwan shares his time over several clinics where he’s fortunate to practice his favourite discipline of dentistry: root canal treatment (endodontics)!Ridhwan relishes the challenge of reinstating the confidence of dentally anxious patients and gaining their trust by dispelling the terrible myths of how unpleasant root canal treatment can be.In his spare time, he is currently studying towards a master’s degree in dental Implantology. He is an active member in multiple dental societies and has had the honour of being recently invited to be a member of the Royal College of Surgeons (England). Ridhwan enjoys going to the gym and playing badminton.

  • Safa Khan
    Safa Khan GDP Private GDC No: 301912
  • Adrian Butcher
    Adrian Butcher GDP GDC No: 63801
  • Omar Narayan
    Omar Narayan GDP GDC No: 81228
  • Jemcy James
    Jemcy James Hygienist GDC No: 307522

Dental professionals must be registered with the GDC and meet high standards. Find us on the register: