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mydentist, Main Road, Jacksdale Dentist in Nottingham

Meet the team at mydentist, Main Road, Jacksdale

Your practice team

  • Natalie Birch Practice Manager

    GDC No: 286465

Your clinicians

  • Rukhsar Shaheryar Kazi
    Rukhsar Shaheryar Kazi GDP Private Qualified from: Statutory Exam 2020 BDS Karachi 2010 GDC No: 295003

    Rukhsar qualified from KMDC in 2010 and completed the UK Statutory Exam in 2021. Rukhsar joined {my}dentist Newark in December 2021 and has since become an integral member of the team. Rukhsar ensures to deliver the highest standard of care for her patients by continuous development, she has attended various courses, training and lectures to reflect this. She is a firm believer in a preventative approach to dentistry, has an interest in minimally invasive treatments and cosmetic dentistry. Alongside general dentistry Rukhsar provides teeth whitening with Enlighten and Philips zoom, clear aligner treatment with ClearCorrect and composite bonding. In her spare time Rukhsar enjoys spending time with her family and friends.

  • Irina Bubuleandra
    Irina Bubuleandra GDP Qualified from: DMD Ovidius 2019 GDC No: 287114

    Qualifying in Romania in 2019, Irina then moved to pursue dentistry in the UK. She is passionate about oral health and all aspects of dentistry wanting to expand her knowledge. Irina enjoys traveling & exploring the UK with her partnerShe has a particular interest in Aesthetic and Restorative Dentistry, and offers clear braces.Additional to being in surgery, she also enjoys getting out of the practice and working with local communities. Irina has attended sessions in local care homes, promoting oral health care and preventative dentistry to local schools and parent and toddler groups.

  • Tomasz Popek
    Tomasz Popek GDP Qualified from: Lek Stom Krakow 1999 GDC No: 84170

    Thomasz grew up in Cracow Poland before graduating in dentistry in 1999 in Cracow, Poland. he has been a dental practitioner for the last 21 years, and moved to the UK in 2005. Thomasz is particularly interested in endodontic prosthetic Denture Excellence dentistry. Tomasz has been a strong member of the dental team at Jacksdale Dental Centre since 2005 and enjoys working in a close community. In his spare time Thomasz enjoys reading science fiction novels and crime novels, playing board games such as strategy with close friends and family , cycling around the Nottinghamshire countryside and hiking around the local routes and the peek district.

  • Ghassan Ali Khan
    Ghassan Ali Khan GDP GDC No: 318819
  • Annette McCool
    Annette McCool Hygienist GDC No: 182105

Dental professionals must be registered with the GDC and meet high standards. Find us on the register: